Dust filter bag and bag cage installation

Publish Time: 2022-09-21     Origin: Site

1 Necessary conditions for the installation of the bag filter cage

1.1 Due to long-distance transportation and multiple loading and unloading, the bag cage should be checked for defects such as de-soldering, bending deformation, and silicone spraying peeling before installation. The bag cage with these defects should be rejected and not used.

1.2 Before installation, the water and ash on the surface of the bag cage must be wiped clean.

1.3 Prepare special tools before installation: special pliers for docking the bag cage, and smooth steel bars (replacement with welding rods after removing the coating).

2 Requirements for handling, lifting and stacking of bag cages

2.1 On-site handling and lifting must be handled with care to prevent damage to the surface of the bag cage with silicone spray. Forklifts are prohibited when loading and unloading bag cages on site to prevent damage to the bag cages at the bottom of the box.

2.2 The bag cage must be transported or hoisted with the bag cage packaging frame. It is not allowed to directly bind the bag cage with steel wire ropes for hoisting, so as not to damage the silicone spraying on the surface of the bag cage.

2.3 Since the bag cage is very smooth, the hoisting process should be stable to prevent the phenomenon of falling from high altitude.

3 bag cage installation method

3.1 Handle with care when installing, do not throw or drag on the ground, so as not to damage the silicone spray on the surface of the bag cage and the interface snap ring.

3.2 The bag cage has three sections: upper, middle and lower sections. Two people are required to cooperate with each other during installation. First, put the next section into the filter bag carefully. When a certain length is left, insert the steel bar into the bag cage, and then use the steel bar to hang the lower section of the bag cage. on the flower board. Then one person holds the upper section bag cage with both hands, and the other person inserts the pin into the pin hole.

3.3 After the upper and lower bag cages are connected, check whether the connection is firm and whether the pins are inserted into the pin holes.

3.4 The whole bag cage frame is slowly inserted into the filter bag, and it is not allowed to impact the bottom of the bag quickly.

3.5 Check the contact between the bridle head cover and the flower plate. The contact between the head cover and the flower plate should be good. If there is a large looseness, the cause should be carefully checked.

3.6 After the filter bags and bag cages are installed, the distance between the bottom ends of the filter bags should be checked, and the distance between the bottom ends of the filter bags should be adjusted by rotating the bag cage in the clean air chamber to ensure that the bottoms of the filter bags do not collide with each other.

3.7 After the filter bag cage is installed, all packing boxes, membranes, installation tools and other substances must be taken out of the clean air chamber, and no objects are allowed to fall into the installed filter bag cage. It should be removed in time.

Bag cage installation process:

Step 1. The bag cage has three sections: upper, middle and lower sections. Two people are required to cooperate with each other during installation. First, carefully insert the next section into the filter bag. The lower section of the bag cage hangs on the flower board. Then one person holds the middle section bag cage with both hands, and the other person inserts the pin into the pin hole.

Step 2: Install the middle and upper sections of the bag cage in the same way as the upper and middle sections.

Matters needing attention: The bag cage should be handled with care to prevent the bag cage from being deformed.


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