How to choose the right filter bags

Publish Time: 2020-10-13     Origin: Site

1. According to the requirements of the working conditions, choose a dust filter bag with a cost-effective price

⑴ Gas temperature. If the temperature is lower than 130℃, you need to choose the normal temperature dust filter bag, and the temperature is between 150℃-260℃, and the high temperature dust filter bag should be selected.

⑵ Gas humidity. Dust-containing gas is divided into three states according to relative humidity; dry gas (relative humidity below 30%), general state (relative humidity between 30%-80%) and high humidity gas (relative humidity above 80%). When the gas humidity is high, you should choose a waterproof dust filter bag.

⑶ The chemical characteristics of the gas. The flue gas of various furnaces and chemical waste gas often contains chemical components such as acid, alkali, oxidant, and organic solvent. Therefore, when choosing a filter bag, a dust filter bag with acid and alkali resistance and oxidation resistance should be selected reasonably according to the chemical composition contained in the flue gas.

2. Choose dust bag according to the special nature of dust.

⑴ The wettability and adhesion of dust. If the dust is dust-absorptive and highly adhesive, choose a waterproof or coated dust filter bag.

⑵The combustibility and nuclear power of dust. Certain dusts are flammable, and flame-retardant dust collection filter bags should be selected.

3. Select the dust filter bag according to the dust removal method of the dust collector.

(1) Mechanical vibration type bag filter. It is required to choose thin and low weight filter materials.

(2) Back-blowing bag type dust collector. Should choose a soft texture, stable structure, good abrasion resistance filter bag.

(3) Pulse bag filter. The outer filter round bag with frame is usually used. It is required to choose thick, wear-resistant, and strong tension resistance.