How to extend the life of filter bag cage?

Publish Time: 2021-07-08     Origin: Site

1. Appropriate filter material: according to the temperature and chemical characteristics of the gas; particle size, weight, shape, whether it is pecking or not, as well as dust concentration, filtration speed, dust removal method, emission concentration and the work of the bag filter System and other factors are considered comprehensively.

2. Reasonable structure: It should meet the requirements of the matching bag filter for filtering and dust removal, and it is easy to install and reliable in sealing. It pursues the corresponding filtering area and good filtering state, which is easy to clean and avoid wear as much as possible.

3. Filter bag sewing technology: The sewing size meets the design requirements, and the heat shrinkable size is reserved according to the filter material type and use temperature. The stitch length of the suture is reasonable, there is no skipped stitch or broken thread, and the suture meets the requirements. The skeleton has no burrs or breaks and damages the filter bag.

4. The correct method of use: ensure that the filter bag of the dust collector is operating under the working conditions it is adapted to. If the working conditions change, it should be switched to bypass or empty immediately to prevent adverse effects on the life of the filter bag.

5. Correct dust removal method: During the use of the filter bag, the dust-receiving area gradually increases and the pressure difference rises. Effective dust removal should be used to isolate the dust and keep the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the filter bag within the set range.

The dust filter bag cage has a great influence on the life of the dust filter bag. The burrs and bulges on the surface of the dust filter bag cage can easily cause wire drawing, wire breakage, and cracking on the surface of the dust filter bag. Therefore, the surface of the dust filter bag cage must be smooth.

The dust filter bag cage must have sufficient rigidity, strength and dimensional accuracy to ensure that the dust filter bag cage will not be damaged during transportation and will not be damaged by friction with the dust removal bag when the dust filter bag is installed. The rigidity and strength of the dedusting framework not only require the quality of the steel bars used to make the dedusting framework, but the dedusting framework also has high requirements for the welding quality. The solder joints on the dust filter framework must be welded firmly, and the dust filter framework must not have problems such as desoldering, missing welding, false welding, and false welding. The size of the dust filter bag cage is related to the length, diameter, horizontal circle, horizontal circle spacing, vertical ribs, the distance between the relaxing ribs, and the verticality.

The welding point of the horizontal ring of the dust filter bag cage will contact and rub with the inner surface of the dust filter bag during the dust removal operation of the bag filter. In order to avoid the contact of the dust filter bag cage and cause welding scar friction and damage to the dust filter bag, a horizontal ring can be added for finishing The process is to remove the burrs and unevenness of the welding scar of the horizontal ring, so that the horizontal ring of the dust filter bag cage is smooth and flawless, and then it is welded with the vertical rib of the dust filter bag cage. In this way, friction leakage between the inner surface of the dust bag and the solder joints can be avoided. In order to better avoid damage to the filter material on the surface of the dust filter bag cage, a chamfering process can be added to the edge of the bottom support of the dust filter bag cage, so that after the edge of the dust filter bag cage chassis is pressed against the vertical rib gap of the dust filter bag cage, the contact surface with the vertical rib of the dust filter bag cage. There will be no protruding scraping opening, which further reduces the possibility of damage to the dust filter bag by the dust filter bag cage.

There are two situations for the cooperation of dust filter bag and dust filter bag cage, one is glass fiber dust filter bag, and the other is ordinary needle felt dustfilter bag. There is a big difference in coordination between these two situations.

For the glass fiber dust filter bag, the glass fiber filter material itself has poor bending resistance, so the glass fiber dust filter bag cannot have too much amplitude during the cleaning process, otherwise the service life of the dust filter bag will be shortened. Therefore, the dust filter bag cage and the glass fiber dust filter bag should be more closely matched. During the production process, the dust filter bag should be tested on the filter bag cage  to see if there are any gaps, to ensure that the dust filter bag cage and the dust filter bag are in good fit. It is recommended that the distance between the longitudinal ribs of the dust filter bag cage should be adjusted to less than 20mm to make the longitudinal ribs of the dust filter bag cage as dense as possible to achieve the purpose of reducing the amplitude of the dust filter bag during the cleaning process, so that the dust filter bag can maximize its benefits.

For the needle felt dust filter bag, the filter material itself has good flexural resistance, so it can have a larger amplitude when cleaning the dust to make the dust on the surface of the dust filter bag easier to shake off. The inner diameter of the dust filter bag should be about 5mm larger than the outer diameter of the dust filter bag cage, and the spacing of the longitudinal ribs of the dust filter bag cage should be 20-40mm.


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