Maintenance of normal temperature dust filter bag

Publish Time: 2023-05-04     Origin: Site

Selection and maintenance of normal temperature dust filter bag

In order to better play the role of normal temperature dust filter bag, appropriate filter materials should be selected, and the daily maintenance of equipment should be strengthened.

First of all, the selection of filter materials. Suitable filter materials should be selected for different industries and different technological conditions. For example, in high temperature environment, should choose high temperature resistant, corrosion resistant materials, such as domestic high quality polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc. In addition, appropriate selection should be made according to gas properties, soot composition and other factors.

The second is the maintenance of normal temperature dust filter bag. Daily maintenance mainly has the following aspects:

1. Regular cleaning and replacement of filter bag: The filter bag will be blocked after working for a long time, which will affect the dust removal effect, so it should be cleaned or replaced regularly. It is generally recommended to clean it regularly 2-3 times.

2. Monitoring differential pressure: differential pressure value is an indicator to measure whether the filter bag is clean. When the differential pressure is too large, the filter bag should be cleaned or replaced in time.

3. Maintenance of the fan: The fan is an important part of the normal temperature dust filter bag, which should be maintained regularly, including cleaning the fan impeller, checking the motor and bearing regularly.

To sum up, normal temperature dust removal filter bag not only needs appropriate filter materials, but also needs to strengthen the repair and maintenance of equipment, in order to play its dust removal effect and application value.


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