Method for testing the quality of dust filter bags

Publish Time: 2022-12-13     Origin: Site

1, Thickness: thickness and thickness is one of the important physical properties of the dust bag, it has a great impact on the permeability and wear resistance of the filter material.

2. Density: Density is expressed by the number of yarn roots per unit distance, namely the number of warp and weft roots between Lin(254cm) or 5cm. However, nonwoven density is calculated based on the volume density (how many grams per square meter), that is, the weight reduction per unit area of the filter material.

3. Quality: Quality is generally called gram weight. Refers to the weight of dust removal and filtration material per square meter. Because the material and structure are directly reflected in its quality, the quality has become the index to determine the performance of the dust bag, but also an important factor to determine the price of the dust bag.

4. Hygroscopic property: The hygroscopic property of the dust bag is one of the indexes to evaluate its performance. This property is especially important when the four gases containing dust contain a certain amount of water. Due to the large water content of dusty gas, the moisture absorption of dust bag is high, which will lead to dust bonding, blocking the dust bag, increasing resistance and reducing the dust removal performance.

5. Fire resistance: The fire resistance of dust bag is the safety index in the actual use. Combustion of the dust bag involves melting, oxidation and cracking of the polymer. Polymers are usually classified as flammable, flammable, flammable, flammable, and non-flammable according to their properties and the degree to which they are verified to burn. Flame retardant and non-combustible filter materials can improve the safety of dust collector operation.

6. Temperature resistance and heat resistance: humidity resistance and heat resistance refers to the temperature resistance and heat resistance of the dust bag, which is an important factor in selecting the filter material of the dust bag. When selecting the filter material of the dust bag, it is not only necessary to consider the temperature resistance of the filter material of the dust bag, that is, the long-term working temperature and short-term possible high temperature humidity of the dust bag, but also the heat resistance of the dust bag. Namely, the dry heat resistance and wet heat resistance of the filter material. After treatment, the temperature resistance of the dust bag will be improved.

6. Stiffness: Stiffness is the index of the softness of the dust bag. The only way to assess its properties is to feel it. Cloth dust bags are very soft with almost no rigidity, while felt and non-woven dust bags have a certain stiffness due to the use of resin processing surfaces, which brings different sizes to dust removal

8. Stability: Dimensional stability refers to the expansion rate of warp and weft of the filter material. The expansion and contraction of the filter material change the porosity of the filter material and affect the filtration efficiency and resistance. For the impact, sometimes even affect the normal operation of the dust collector, therefore, the smaller the expansion rate of the dust bag, the better.

9. Corrosion resistance. Corrosion resistance includes acid resistance, alkali resistance, oxidant resistance, reducing agent resistance and organic solvents. Dusty gases usually contain a variety of chemicals, which require the dust bag to be resistant to corrosion.

10. Static electricity: the movement of gas or the collision of dust particles will make some dust bag filter material charge, which has two effects on the filtration process. The advantage lies in the mutual absorption of opposite-sex charges, which makes the dust particles move from the air stream to the dust bag opposite to the charge, greatly improving the filtration efficiency. On the downside, the static electricity and its forces do not necessarily disappear at the end of the filtration phase, making it difficult to remove dust. In addition, spark bow explosions can occur due to the build-up of charged dust and the increase in static voltage.


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