Reasons for high pressure difference of dust collector bag filter

Publish Time: 2020-12-29     Origin: Site

Main reasons and elimination methods:

1) The differential pressure reading is wrong: clean the pressure measuring interface/check the trachea for cracks/check the differential pressure gauge.

2) The injection system setting is incorrect: increase the injection frequency/compressed air pressure is too low; increase the pressure/check the dryer, clean (if necessary)/check for blockages in the pipeline.

3) The injection valve fails: check the diaphragm valve/check the control solenoid valve.

4) Pulse controller malfunction: check whether the controller indicates each contact/check the output of each terminal.

5) Blockage of the filter bag: condensation on the filter bag (see below); send the filter bag to the laboratory for analysis. Filter bag drying and dust removal treatment/or replacement/reduction of air volume/increase of compressed air pressure/addition of dust removal frequency/injection of neutral modulating powder to form a protective layer and porous and loose primary cake.

6) Excessive secondary dust: Continuously empty the ash hopper/each row of filter bags/filter cartridges to remove ash in a random sequence, not a sequence. Check the inlet baffle to make sure it is clean.


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