Why is air dust filter bag easy to pasted

Publish Time: 2022-10-11     Origin: Site

Because the flue gas temperature is lower than the dew point or the source dust moisture content is high, resulting in dust in the filter bag surface can not be normal dust, this is our bag dust industry often appear in the problem - "paste bag". If the dust stuck on the surface of the filter bag can not be removed for a long time, it will form a thick layer of dust on the surface of the filter bag, which seriously affects the permeability of the filter bag. The dust collector can not filter the dust normally, which forms the "filter bag plate".

Because the flue gas temperature is lower than the dew point or the source dust moisture content is high, resulting in dust in the filter bag surface can not be normal dust, this is our bag dust industry often appear in the problem - "paste bag". If the dust stuck on the surface of the filter bag can not be removed for a long time, it will form a thick layer of dust on the surface of the filter bag, which seriously affects the permeability of the filter bag. The dust collector can not filter the dust normally, which forms the "filter bag compaction".

In such cases, the following precautions are recommended:

1. Avoid improper startup

After the equipment is shut down, there will be condensed water on the surface of the filter bag. When the equipment is restarted, a large amount of dusty air will enter the equipment, and the high humidity on the surface of the filter bag will lead to mud on the surface of the filter bag. In order to prevent this situation, the flue gas temperature at the inlet of the dust collector should be increased, or pre-coated with ash. The bypass device can also be opened, and the flue gas temperature can be cut into the dust collector after reaching the requirements.

2. Avoid operating at low temperature dew point

When the dust collector runs at low temperature, it is easy to produce a lot of problems, such as: uneven distribution of air intake, easy to cause local corrosion of the equipment shell, accelerate the corrosion of the filter bag, shorten the service life of the filter bag, especially may cause the phenomenon of paste bag, affect the normal operation of the equipment, or directly lead to the equipment can not dust.

3. Try to reduce the moisture content of flue gas source materials, such as: coal moisture content, moisture content of the heated material, moisture content of the source of raw materials directly affect into dust catcher of moisture content in flue gas, flue gas into the filter of the moisture content is higher, the paste bag and the greater the probability of filter bag harden.

In order to prevent the paste bag can be waterproof after treatment, waterproof treatment of the filter bag, the filter bag paste bag, hardening can play a certain role in prevention. But it is not a waterproof filter bag must not paste the bag, not stiff.

To ensure the normal operation of the dust removal equipment, the owner should follow the operation process and precautions of the equipment and avoid operations that may affect the normal operation of the equipment.

Dust filter bags are widely used in steel, cement, chemical, power plant, road construction, metallurgy, grain processing and so on.


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